What is visual studio code vagrant
What is visual studio code vagrant

what is visual studio code vagrant

She will help you find the best answer, and she identifies other possible answers if you need a different level of insight. Lucy's integration with Slack and Microsoft Teams makes it easy for your team to ask questions that she answers from her learned knowledge. She connects to third-party data sources to include their insights. She understands documents, PowerPoints, PDFs, graphs used to interpret data, videos, and audios.

what is visual studio code vagrant

She does this without moving it from the places it resides. She listens for changes in your data, reads those changes, and learns all about your organization's accumulated knowledge. She makes it easy to find what you need to know when you need to know it.

what is visual studio code vagrant

The solution is quite simple : in your VSCode launch.json, ensure that your remoteRoot is mapped to the absolute path of your project root, in your guest.Lucy is an AI-powered knowledge management system that allows more efficiency and productivity from your employees. You can put almost any value in the remoteRoot field, and if the dugger can't find it, it continues debugging using readonly copies. Turns out the error is caused by VSCode not being able to map properly to the source files in Vagrant. Code files live on the host filesystem, but are shared with the guest editing happens on the host, execution on the guest. I do almost all my projects in vagrant, where my VSCode run on my host PC, while my NodeJS runtime lives in a Linux VM. Worst of all, I couldn't fix a bug in the readonly file, so after figuring a solution out I had to fumble the through the mess of open documents to the writeable version. It opened a new copy for every debug run, so after a long session of debugging I would have many files open. Whenever I stepped through a file after hitting a breakpoint, VSCode would open a new read-donly version of the file in a text editor window. For months I've noticed that several of my recent Visual Studio Code projects NodeJS projects were behaving weirdly during debugging.

What is visual studio code vagrant